Ignace Michiels (°1963) studied organ, piano and harpsichord at the Academy of Bruges (Belgium), his hometown.
In 1986 he was prizewinner at the Institute Lemmens in Louvain. He successively improved his talent as a musician with Robert Anderson at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, at the Royal Academy of Brussels with Herman Verschraegen and with Odile Pierre at the Paris National Conservatoire where he obtained the prestigious Prix d' Excellence. He also obtained the Higher Diploma of organ music at the Royal Academy of Ghent.
Ignace Michiels is organ professor at the Faculty of Music of University College Ghent. He also teaches organ at the Academy of Music in Bruges and is titular-organist at the St Saviour’s Cathedral in this city, where he organizes the yearly international organ festival.
His repertoire includes the complete works for organ of Bach, Franck, Mendelssohn, Dupré and Messiaen, the symphonies of Widor and Vierne, the organ sonatas of Guilmant and Rheinberger.
As an organist, he gives concerts both as a soloist and with orchestra or choir in many places around the world. Furthermore he is a well-seen guest in the jury for international organ contests and professor in workshops and masterclasses.
Ignace Michiels also realized several CD productions.
Download curriculum vitae in PDF:
English - Français - Deutsch - Español - Nederlands
More videos can be found on YouTube.
Julius Reubke - Sonata on the 94th Psalm. Performed by Ignace Michiels in the Notre-Dame of Paris, 22nd July 1989.
Ignace Michiels plays Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Toccata et Fuga BWV 540 (toccata only). Performed on the 1937 Klais organ in Bruges Cathedral, November 2nd 2007.
Ignace Michiels plays Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937), Finale from Organ Symphony n°6 op. 42. Performed on the Klais organ in Bruges Cathedral, September 15th 2007.
Ignace Michiels plays Naji Hakim - Ouverture Libanaise. Performed on the Klais organ in Bruges Cathedral.
Ignace Michiels plays Jehan Alain - 'Joies' from 'Trois Danses'. Performed on the Klais organ in Bruges Cathedral.
B.O.G.-Company (ballet) & Ignace Michiels (organ) - Compilation of the concert in Saint-Saviour's Cathedral in Bruges, September 27th 2008.
(Music starts at 0:39)Discography
Below you find a selection of CD recordings. In addition to this, Michiels also participated in several recordings of choral music such as:
- Joseph Ryelandt: Sacred choral works, with Greta De Reyghere, Collegium Instrumentale Brugense, Capella Brugensis, conductor Patrick Peire (1997);
- Francis Poulenc, Gabriel Fauré, with Hilde Coppé, Collegium Instrumentale Brugense, Jan van der Crabben, Capella Brugensis, conductor Patrick Peire (2000);
- Max Reger: Hebbel-Requiem and organ works, with Reger-Chor-International, conductor Gabriel Dessauer (2001, recorded live in St. Bonifatius, Wiesbaden);
- Max Reger: Der 100. Psalm, Introduction, Passacaglia and Fugue in E minor, op. 127, with Reger-Chor-International, conductor Gabriel Dessauer (2003, recorded live in St. Bonifatius, Wiesbaden);
- Johan Duijck: El Camino de Alma - de Weg van de Ziel, with Hilde Coppé, Collegium Instrumentale Brugense, Noëlle Schepens, Vlaams Radio Koor (VRK), Hans Ryckelynck, Gents Madrigaalkoor, conductor Johan Duijck (2008);
- Johan Duijck: Cantiones Sacrae, with Vlaams Radio Koor, conductor Johan Duijck (2009).
César Franck: Organ Works
CD 1
- Fantaisie, A Majeur, FWV 35
- Choral No. 1, E Majeur, FWV 38
- Cantabile, B Majeur, FWV 36
- Pièce Héroïque, B mineur, FWV 37
- Choral No. 2, B mineur, FWV 39
- Final, Bb Majeur FWV 33
CD 2
- Grande Pièce Symphonique, F# mineur, FWV 29
- Prélude, Fugue et Variation, B mineur, FWV 30
- Prière, C# mineur, FWV 32
- Pastorale, E Majeur, FWV 31
- Fantaisie, C Majeur, FWV 28
- Choral No. 3, A mineur, FWV 40
Flemish Organ Heritage
- Preludium, André Devaere
- Fuga, André Devaere
- Allegro con moto, from 'Organ Sonata' Op. 29, Edgar Tinel
- Andante sostenuto, from 'Organ Sonata' Op. 29, Edgar Tinel
- Allegro moderato, from 'Organ Sonata' Op. 29, Edgar Tinel
- Petite Fantaisie, Op. 22, No. 2, Joseph Callaerts
- Toccatella con Fughetta on 'Salve Regina', Op. 28, Herman Roelstraete
- Concert Piece, Op. 52a, Flor Peeters
- Prélude, from 'Symphonia Mystica', Op. 53, Camil Van Hulse
- Méditation, from 'Symphonia Mystica', Op. 53, Camil Van Hulse
- Scherzo, from 'Symphonia Mystica', Op. 53, Camil Van Hulse
- Intermezzo, from 'Symphonia Mystica', Op. 53, Camil Van Hulse
- Finale, from 'Symphonia Mystica', Op. 53, Camil Van Hulse
Organ Visions
Chaconne in d BWV 1004, Johann Sebastian Bach (transcription: Ulisse Matthey)
Romanze from Sonata no. 9 opus 142, Joseph Rheinberger
Variations de Concert opus 1, Joseph Bonnet
Entrée, Canzona, Sortie opus 62, Marcel Dupré
Trois Pièces (Prélude, Cantilène, Scherzando) op. 29, Gabriel Pierné
Theme with variations, Louis Maes
Symphonic Fantasia opus 13, Flor Peeters
Badinage, Ronald Watson
Toccata, Denis Bédard
Land of Hope and Glory
Military March no.1 opus 39 (from Pomp and Circumstance), Edward Elgar
Le Cygne from 'Carnaval des Animaux', Camille Saint-Saëns (transcription: Alexandre Guilmant)
Allegro con fuoco from Sonata VI opus 86, Alexandre Guilmant
Fiat Lux, Théodore Dubois
Scherzo, Eugène Gigout
Pièce Héroïque, César Franck
Sonate Pascale (Allegro, Adoration, Final), Jaak Lemmens
Clair de Lune, Claude Debussy
Songs of Praise - Toccata for organ, Robert Prizeman
Allegro from 'Sonata for Organ', Frigyes Hidas
West European Organ Works
Sinfonia from Cantata no. 28 'Wir danken alle Gott', Johann Sebastian Bach
Intermezzo from Sonata no. 4 opus 98, Joseph Rheinberger
Toccata, Joseph Jongen
Scherzo for the White Rabbit, Nigel Ogden
Penguins Playtime, Nigel Ogden
Carillon de Westminster, Louis Vierne
Andante, Eduard Batiste
Toccata, Théodore Dubois
Marche sur un thème de Händel 'Lift up your heads', Alexandre Guilmant
'Tu es petra' from 'Esquisses Byzantines', Henry Mulet
Marche, Louis Lefébure-Wély
Finale from Symphony VIII opus 42, Charles-Marie Widor
Magic Sounds for Trumpet and Organ (with Bart Coppé)
- Sonata in D, Henry Purcell
- Giga Fuga, BWV 577, Johann Sebastian Bach
- Adagio from 'Concerto in d' op. 9 no. 2, Tomaso Albinoni
- Trumpet Voluntary, William Boyce
- Carillon opus 27, no. 4, Marcel Dupré
- Rusalka's Song to the Moon from 'Rusalka', Antonín Dvořák
- Introduktion & Allegro, Gerhard Deutschmann
- 'Final' from Symphony no. 6, op. 59, Louis Vierne
- Pastorale, Goff Richards
- Concert Etude, Alexander Goedicke
- Symphonia Mystica, Camil van Hulse
Review (Dutch)
Suite Pantique (with Matthias Schlubeck)
- Sonate in F-Dur (Vivace - Largo - Allegro), TWV 41:F2 , Georg Philipp Telemann
- Adagio (Sinfonia) from Osteroratorium BWV 249, Johann Sebastian Bach
- Sonata in G-Dur, op. 5 no. 10, Arcangelo Corelli
- Jubiläum (organ solo), Ronald Watson
- Suite Antique, John Rutter
- Allegro giocoso from Sonate in Es-moll (organ solo), Edgar C. Bairstow
- Cantilène pastorale, op. 15 no. 3 Alexandre Guilmant
- Chanson de Nuit, op. 15 no. 1, Edward Elgar
- Chanson de Nuit, Op. 15 no. 2, Edward Elgar
- Pomp and Circumstance, op. 39 no. 1 (organ solo), Edward Elgar
- "Le Basque", Marin Marais
Kathedralkonzert in Brügge (with Matthias Schlubeck)
- Sonata in a, op. 1 no. 1, Jean-Baptiste Loeillet de Gant
- Chorale, ‘Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit’ Johann Sebastian Bach
- Sonata in a, Jean Baptiste Loeillet de Gant
- Adagio, Joseph Hector Fiocco
- Sonata in G (HWV 363b), Georg Friedrich Haendel
- Boléro de Concert, Louis Lefébure-Wély
- Elegie, op. 150, Joseph Rheinberger
- Pastel Roumain, Gheorghe Zamfir
- Toccata, op. 71 no. 4, Flor Peeters
- Salut d’amour, Edward Elgar
Joseph Ryelandt: Sacred Choral Works (with Collegium Instrumentale Brugense & Patrick Peire)
- Flos carmeli, op.106
- Audi filia
- Panem de coelo, op.87 no.1
- Ave Maria, op.87 no. 2
International summer organ concerts festival Bruges
Saint Saviour's Cathedral
Each year Ignace Michiels organizes an international organ concert series centred around the organ in which Belgian and international soloists are invited to bring their best.
As a complement to the organ solo recitals, several concerts are brought in combination with other instruments or ensembles as well as with choirs. In the past they hosted several artists such as Scala & Kolacny Brothers, Flemish Radio Choir & Johan Duijck, Belgian Brass, Ottone Brass Quintet, La Chapelle Sauvage, The Chamber Players, The International Clarinets, B.O.G.-Company...
The Bruges cathedral concert series celebrated their 65th anniversary in 2018.
The concert calendar can be found here.
A small selection of international press reviews and interviews.
"Beim Kozert in der Abteikirche Marienstatt begeisterten die Panflötenspielerin Hannah Schlubeck und der belgische Kathedralenorganist Ignace Michiels mit ihrem meisterlichen Spiel, das Werke bekannter Komponisten wie Bach, Telemann, Rutter, und César Franck lebendig werden ließ."
"Organist Ignace Michiels begeistert die Besucher des letzten Sommerkonzerts - Belgier paart Spielfreude mit Perfektionismus.""
"Like so many performers from overseas, Michiels brought a fascinating mix of unfamiliar material, which actually overshadowed the better-known pieces on the program."
(Russia) Concert in Belgorod (Belgorod)
"Лёгкая улыбка, внутреннее спокойствие, приветливость и жизнерадостность — таким запомнится белгородцам и гостям города Игнас Михельс, органист потрясающего дарования, подаривший в этот вечер любителям органной музыки много приятных эмоций."
An extended interview in Russian can be found here."El organista titular de la Catedral de San Salvador de Brujas, Ignace Michiels, desplegó todo un intenso abanico sonore que hizo vibrar al público y los propios muros de nestra Catedral."
(Germany) Bewegtes, stilles Leben (Neue Westfälische)
"Mit dramaturgischer und dynamischer Absolutheit hatte Ignace Michiels die erste Programmhälfte bestritten. Mit unberechenbarer Virtuosität die zweite. Erst große Form, dann große Freiheit. Das Publikum dankte für solche Meisterschaft mit reichlichem Applaus."
Please contact me with all your questions regarding bookings, CDs, masterclasses, the Bruges concert series...